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Planning online events is a sustainable part of a development strategy for businesses. This option has several advantages. In particular, it makes it possible to bring together employees and customers from several places around the world, and is often less expensive than creating a traditional physical event. However, there is different types of online events : seminar, trade show, conference, team building, etc. Each of them displays its own codes, and not all of them meet the same objectives. In this case, The type of e-event to be organized is not the same when it comes to bringing employees together in order to strengthen team cohesion or to promote new products or services to customers. How do you choose the right format for your online event? Voilà offers you all the answers.Summary:

  1. Hybrid or 100% online: select the type of event that suits you
  2. The main types of online event formatsThe ideal event format to present your projects to your customersThe optimal event format to present your products or servicesThe dedicated event format to bring your employees together
  3. The importance of having a driver for your online event
  4. The event formats offered by Voilà

Hybrid or 100% online: select the type of event that suits you

The recent health crisis we have experienced has truly changed the event landscape. Faced with numerous lockdowns, businesses had to adapt and find new ways to organize their events. Since then, new formats have emerged: 100% online appointments and hybrid appointments. Even before defining whether your company needs to plan a seminar, conference or team building, analyze The type of event to be organized. Will it take place entirely digitally or will it be hybrid? As a reminder, a hybrid event is halfway between an online event and a physical event. It brings together some people physically and is transcribed live simultaneously. In order to choose between organizing an event 100% online or hybrid, take stock of your goals. If you want to bring more added value through a physical presence, opt for the organization of a hybrid appointment. On the other hand, if you prefer to avoid travel and room rental, opt for remote events.

The main types of online event formats

Once the company has made a choice between a hybrid or remote event, it is necessary to position itself on The format of the event to be carried out. Here are the main existing formats:

  • The study day, which brings together the employees of a company in order to inform them on a specific subject;
  • The seminar, which can bring together employees or clients of the organization in order to present work or promote discussions;
  • the conference or the convention, which generally attracts a very large number of guests and expert speakers who take turns speaking. The conference can easily last for half a day, a day or even several days;
  • product launch, which usually takes place in the evening and which details the new products or services marketed by the company;
  • Team building, which brings employees together in order to strengthen team cohesion;
  • The living room, which is a large-scale event that tends to promote a sector of activity, etc.

In short, there are dozens of different events. On the other hand, each of them meets its own codes, and they do not all have the same objectives.

Choose the format of the event to be planned according to your goals

To select the event format to be organized, Identify your goals (branding, information, recruiting new customers, etc.), on the one hand, and your target audience, on the other hand. Note: the team building format concerns employees, and the product launch format is aimed at the company's customers. Here's how to make an informed choice.

The ideal event format to present your projects to your customers

If you want to present your projects to your customers, you can organize different types of events. Thus, you can opt for the realization of:

  • webinar, which makes it possible to bring customers together and share information with them through video conferencing;
  • conference or convention, which brings together several speakers and guests who discuss a given subject;
  • Conversational live streaming to generate more engagement. This format encourages direct exchanges with guests.

All these events create proximity with the public and also offer the opportunity for the company to discuss a specific theme.

💡 The solution There you go.

To make this appointment a success and make an impression on the guests, your company can opt for a turnkey event with the Voilà solution that integrates:

  • event configuration by professionals;
  • A scenario proposal adapted (with the writing of highlights);
  • An animation combination to boost the audience;
  • live supervision and coordination until it is broadcast live;
  • the provision of a replay to share with customers who unfortunately could not have been present.

The optimal event format to present your products or services

Do you want to present new products or services? So, you can organize:

  • a virtual lounge;
  • a conference;
  • a commercial agreement;
  • a product launch.

These four event formats offer the company the opportunity to gain visibility and to present its new acquisitions.

💡 The solution There you go.

To differentiate yourself, it is important to adopt the right strategy. Voilà allows in particular to encourage exchanges by chat and present products through 3D images. This allows participants to rotate and zoom in so as not to miss a single detail. With Voilà, it is also possible to make this type of event unique, by creating suspense before the event: email campaign, teasing video, etc. On D-Day, the show can start with a survey and word clouds. Once this stage is over, the company can finally reveal its product thanks to a quality video and the intervention of speakers. Finally, she can continue with a question and answer session which offers the possibility for guests to exchange.

The dedicated event format to bring your employees together

Finally, for Bring your employees together remotely, challenge your teams or present training courses, opt for the organization of:

  • online team building ;
  • remote workshop ;
  • roundtable ;
  • lecturing ;
  • remote afterwork ;
  • Corporate wishes ;
  • Webinar.

More than the format of the event, in the case of a meeting of collaborators, what matters is the way To engage the participants. The appointment must be living, incurring and highly participative.

💡 The solution There you go.

With Voilà, the company can therefore rely on various interaction solutions to promote exchanges and The participation of the teams. Fine-tune the script writing, the technical installation (light, microphone, etc.) as well as the coordination of the live to create an unforgettable moment.

The importance of having a driver for your online event

Once the right format is determined for your online event, the other key point is to capture the attention of your participants and boost their engagement. To do this, it is important to have the right scenario and the right animations. More specifically, you must follow a driver who will allow organizers to:

  • Divide the speeches And the Slides by chapter;
  • integrate notes for the organizing team;
  • add activities to maximizing engagement participants (quiz, photo wall, word cloud, etc.);
  • Complete it all with videos for generics, a Jingle Or a countdown.

At Voilà, we make it a point of honor to help businesses achieve this goal. Those who want to organize a commercial agreement, for example, can rely on our Conductor type which offers:

  • moments of sharing;
  • feedback moments;
  • motivational activities and pride in belonging.

The tool also offers ideas for chapters and activities as well as key figures on user behavior during hybrid or virtual events.

The event formats offered by Voilà

Regardless of the event format you want to organize, with the Voilà live platform, you can create an event in your image. Voilà provides its customers with templates that correspond to different types of hybrid and digital event formats. All promote the engagement of remote participants and allow them to live a unique experience. Voilà invites you to organize conferences, seminars, general meetings, product launches, company meetings, etc. The platform allows you to easily create an event that suits you and that fully meets your goals. The interaction possibilities available will also allow you to federate, of energize And ofengage your audience (3D objects, question/answer, chat, word cloud, word cloud, satisfaction questionnaire, slide integration, photo wall, etc.) .Talk with our teams about the feasibility of your corporate events.Request a demo 🚀

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