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How do you get webinar participants to react? What are the experts' secrets to generate interaction with the public? Because come to think about it, interacting with real people is the point of a live show, right? Here are 5 expert techniques to get participants to interact.

Here are 5 expert techniques to get participants to interact.

Provoke reactions even before the webinar

Use your social media accounts and others to give your participants the opportunity to co-build the webinar agenda. Surveys, open questions or simple reactions : everything is good to take for your webinar.

Plan an icebreaker

The icebreaker is a common activity that allows you to Breaking the ice. This is all the more important in a webinar to capture the attention of your participants from the start. Remember, most of them are at home or in the office, in short, where attention is a highly coveted resource! A colleague coming by, an email notification, a phone call... These are your real competitors when it comes time to start your webinar. What icebreaker? We explain it all to you here And there ⤵️

Welcome the participants

You have to act in a webinar as you would in real life. We say hello to each other in real life, right? Well, do the same at the start of your webinar. Depending on the number of participants, greet all or part of your audience one by one. “Hello Julien!” , “Welcome Marie.” By doing this, you are making first-time allies. You can be sure thatthey will be active during your live.

Recall the rules of the game

At Voilà, we like to remind The rules of the live game : the participants are the heroes. They are the ones who help you ask the right questions, to build on what has been said. In short, the more curious we are, the more successful the live is. Remind yourself of this rule regularly and you will see, The audience will play the game.

Respect the 15 minute rule

Remind your participants every 15 minutes on average : you can read the questions that are asked in the chat or read some reactions. These are all opportunities to bounce back or to ask participants for their opinion. Remember, there is the chat, of course, but also the emojis reactions. You can imagine a thousand things with emojis. But the best of the best are still the collaborative activities that Voilà offers you on its platform: word cloud, photo wall, quiz, survey or even the map and the flags. ⤵️

So it's up to you to play now!

There you go, it's the all-in-one tool for your internal or external webinars:

📬 Management of participants, mailing campaigns, automation of reminders.

A website to broadcast your webinar, highly customizable to adapt to your brand.

🎬 A web studio to produce and broadcast your own show without having to use a control room.

🕹️ Live activities such as quizzes, polls, word clouds, etc., to keep the attention of your participants.

🧰 Call to action to be activated live to suggest making an appointment during, downloading a white paper, organizing a competition, etc.

📺 Broadcast of the replay just after the live.

📊 Extensive review, with super stylish graphs.

See you soon on Voilà!

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