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Some functions are essential for the success of your internal communication webinars. We offer you a checklist with the functions preferred by our customers.

Why organize an internal communication live?

Internal communication is essential for foster collaboration and strengthen corporate culture. Organize an internal communication live makes it possible to hold effective and interactive virtual meetings.

The essential functions

With Voilà, you have access to several functionalities for Succeed in your digital meetings :

Automatic subtitling and velotyping

Making your live stream accessible to all your collaborators, including those with specific needs, is crucial for inclusive communication.

Two modalities are possible:

  • Pay for the services of a velotypist who will enter the subtitling of your webinar live.
  • Rely on automatic subtitling boosted by artificial intelligence.

With Voilà, you can opt for one or the other of the solutions according to your budget.

Instant translation

Allowing your participants to choose the language or translation that suits them thanks to a centralized contact person who manages multiple audio sources is essential for clear and understandable communication.

With Voilà, you can offer as many translations as you want.

Massive capacity

Organize online events that can accommodate up to 100,000 people simultaneously, without compromising broadcast quality. It is ideal for large companies looking to organize a large-scale internal communication live. At Voilà, we can mount up to 200,000 participants simultaneously all over the world, including China.

Extensive moderation

Sometimes participants get lost in chat messages. Don't panic, if you have chosen the right tool, you can delete innoportunt messages live or even ban some participants.

Here is the Voilà moderation system:

Animation functions

To animate your internal communication live, use these tools:

Live polls and answers

Engage your audience in real time and get instant feedback. There's nothing like launching a survey and reacting to the results for breathe life into your speech!

Screen sharing and media

Illustrate your words in a visual and dynamic way to maintain the attention of your employees. At Voilà, take advantage of numerous possibilities of realization to surprise and get out of the video's soporiphic format.

Clickable links and forms

Collect data in real time and increase interaction with your audience. At Voilà, you can display a form integrated into the live stream in order to collect the information you want.

Instant feedback and statistical tools

Analyze data to continuously improve future internal communications. Never forget the famous satisfaction survey integrated into Voilà tools because what cannot be measured does not improve.

So it's up to you to play now!

There you go, it's the all-in-one tool for your internal or external webinars:

📬 Management of participants, mailing campaigns, automation of reminders.

A website to broadcast your webinar, highly customizable to adapt to your brand.

🎬 A web studio to produce and broadcast your own show without having to use a control room.

🕹️ Live activities such as quizzes, polls, word clouds, etc., to keep the attention of your participants.

🧰 Call to action to be activated live to suggest making an appointment during, downloading a white paper, organizing a competition, etc.

📺 Broadcast of the replay just after the live.

📊 Extensive review, with super stylish graphs.

See you soon on Voilà!

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