Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

For a lot of people, webinars are stressful. This requires good preparation, good storyselling and continuous attention during the live. So much so that you can forget some essential points such as catchphrases for example or even part of the process. Voilà thought of a solution.

The conductor is your safety net during the live

Voilà offers a unique tool for your live: the driver.

We designed this tool in order to help our users as much as possible improve storytelling, give rhythm and impact to their webinar. The driver allows you to order the different sequences of your live chronologically so that the transition from one to the other is as easy as clicking on a button.

You will find there:

  • The sequence of the different chapterss, from introduction to conclusion
  • The possibility of adding a opening theme, Ending and automatic jingles between chapters
  • The various scenes, that is to say the pre-established addition of speakers for each chapter but also slides or videos to share.
  • The launch of activities cSuch as the word cloud, the quiz, the photo wall, the survey or the satisfaction survey
  • The tools such as the redirect link, a product to promote, or the form.

By preparing your driver in advance, you will only have to click on the start of each sequence during the live. A good part of your mental load is already evaporating !

The driver of Voilà

A few secrets for an engaging webinar

As you can see, it is preparation that will become essential.

So what elements should you incorporate into your driver? Katya, Our Live Evangelist, has made a whole series of videos to help you build the driver best suited to your live:

A Post-It tool for your webinars

Still a bit stressed? Afraid of forgetting your catch phrase? Afraid of forgetting a transition?

After seeing sheets of paper taped to our customers' computers, or text files opened next to the Voilà studio, we thought we could probably help by adding post-it notes... within our studio itself.

So you can enjoy our studio in full screen while keeping your precious notes in front of you.

To try it is to adopt it!

So notes are the best way to forget... to forget.

So it's up to you to play now!

There you go (, it's the all-in-one tool for your internal or external webinars:

📬 Management of participants, mailing campaigns, automation of reminders. A website to broadcast your webinar, highly customizable to adapt to your brand.

🎬 A web studio to produce and broadcast your own show without having to use a control room.

🕹️ Live activities such as quizzes, polls, word clouds etc. to keep the attention of your participants.

🧰 Call to action to be activated live to suggest making an appointment during, downloading a white paper, organizing a competition etc.

📺 Broadcast of the replay just after the live.

📊 Extensive review, with super stylish graphs; See you soon on Voilà!

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