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You've just finished your webinar, and everything went great: a great audience, interesting questions, and passionate speakers. Great! But after that, what to do? Jump straight to the next one? Oh no, definitely not!

You put a lot of effort into preparing for this webinar, maybe you even invested in equipment. In fact, your webinar is still in its early stages. Now is the time to give it even more impact. Here are a few ideas to get there.

1. Share the replay on your site

You have lots of possibilities! For example, you can offer the replay of your webinar on your social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. You will take advantage of this to reach your community of subscribers.

Another option is to put the replay directly on your website. Moreover, Voilà offers an ultra-simple solution that also allows you to continue to collect spectators' contact details.

Don't let your webinar sink into oblivion: promote its rebroadcast!

2. Turn it into a blog post with the help of AI

In the world of digital marketing, blogging is a great way to improve your visibility on Google. Since there were lots of interesting discussions during your webinar, why not summarize them in an article? That's what we did with Voilà l'Émission, for example.

A blog post is like a second wind for your content.

If you are a bit short of time, you can use Artificial Intelligence (like this service for example) to turn your webinar into an article. Some adjustments will be required, but it will only take a few minutes. And, if you want, you can also create an infographic to make everything even more visual, as we did here.

You can even go further and transform your webinar In eBook or white paper to attract even more readers.

3. Cut it into reels

Social platforms love micro video content. On Instagram, they're called Reels, and on YouTube, they're called Shorts.

“A reel here, a reel there: your webinar is transformed into a click machine.”

Upload your webinar video and cut highlights into 1-minute portrait footage. This kind of content can really boost your webinar audience, especially if you add subtitles, as over 40% of people watch videos without audio.

At Voilà, We use several tools to do that quickly, like Opus Clip, an AI that automatically creates shorts from a video, but you can also try CapCut, Canva, or DaVinci Resolve.

For subtitles, VN Editor is a great option. Other solutions are shown in this video.

4. Enrich your FAQ with webinar questions

The questions asked by the participants are often super relevant. So why not enrich your FAQ with these questions? You can even add video clips to keep your webinar going.

A rich FAQ is more content for your audience.

5. Create a podcast

And why not broadcast the audio from your webinar as a podcast? It's a great way to reach people during their daily commute.

A webinar never dies

Don't let your webinar sleep in a corner: make the most of it! You can continue to use it for months in your communication, and thus maximize the impact of your work.

It's up to you to play!

There it is, it's the all-in-one tool for your internal or external webinars :

• 📬 Management of participants, mailing campaigns, automation of reminders.

• A website to broadcast your webinar, highly customizable to adapt to your brand.

• 🎬 A web studio to produce and broadcast your own show without having to use a control room.

• 🕹️ Live activities such as quizzes, polls, word clouds, etc., to keep the attention of your participants.

• 🧰 Call to action to be activated live to suggest making an appointment, downloading a white paper, organizing a competition, etc.

• 📺 Broadcast of the replay just after the live.

• 📊 Ultra-detailed report, with stylish graphs.

See you soon on Voilà!

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