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Be able to organize hybrid or 100% digital meetings has truly revolutionized the event sector, whether in a private or professional setting. In fact, the method has numerous advantages, both practical and financial. We often talk about the Difficulty hosting a live or To engage the public. However, there is another problem that is rarely talked about: digital event security. However, the latter is of paramount importance. During a virtual event, it is essential that personal data of the participants and of the society be properly protected. The company should also avoid malicious intrusion. To achieve this, it is essential to choose the right live platform and to opt, ideally, for a company that has the ISO 27001 standard. At the same time, the organization can adopt certain best practices to reinforce the tranquility of the appointment it is planning. Explanations.Summary:

  1. Security, data leaks, cyberattacks: the importance of properly orchestrating your event to avoid risksEnsure the confidentiality and security of your data shared during digital eventsAvoid cyberattacks during an event
  2. Ensure the security of a live event in practice: 5 tips to apply online event formats

Security, data leaks, cyberattacks: the importance of properly orchestrating your event to avoid risks

Ensure the confidentiality and security of your data shared during digital events

Virtual meeting organizers often put aside the appointment security that they are getting ready to plan. However, the latter should be among the main concerns of society. It is crucial to ensure the security of digital events In order to protect personal data of the guests and the organizing company. This implies greater consideration of the type of data collected during the live and how the data is obtained, used, stored and then shared. Corporate responsibility is constantly committed when it comes to the data it collects and manipulates. Concretely, the organization must take all of the necessary measures to properly protect the individuals present and the confidential information that will be exchanged. It is essential to avoid intrusions by third parties and unauthorized access at all costs.

Avoid cyberattacks during an event

Besides the data security, the company is also committed to avoid cyberattacks during his performance. In the same way as fortuitous failures, this type of anomaly can greatly impact the functioning of the structure, and Infine, the event. With the advent of digital technology, cyberattacks are more and more numerous. Companies must protect themselves from this internally in their daily organization, and they have every interest in maintaining the same approach for all the lives they plan. These intentional attacks can damage its reputation. Event operators must therefore prevent this type of threat by:

  • to strengthen their computer security ;
  • To the awareness-raising among stakeholders as to the content to be presented;
  • At the faculty To act In case of failure ;
  • with the use of a Live platform who has the necessary skills to support him in the best possible way.

Ensure the safety of a live event in practice: 5 tips to apply

There are various ways to insure the security of your digital events. Here's how to do it.

  1. Choose an ISO 27001 certified live platformChoosing the platform on which your event will take place is crucial. You need to make sure that the platform is reliable and secure. The latter must offer a very high level of security and be able to manage large audiences. Ideally, it should be ISO 27001 certified. As a reminder, the 27001 standard is only issued to companies that have established solid practices (tests, control, etc.) in order to maximize The confidentiality and Integrity Information customers. This certification shows that it complies with international standards and that it does have a effective information security management system.
  2. Protect access to the eventAccess to the event must be controlled to avoid unauthorized intrusions. The Voilà platform offers, for example: three access modalities at the organizer's choice: 👉 Direct access, participants will only have to fill in their first and last name. 📧 Access upon registration via a customizable self-registration form. 📋 Private access, as the organizer, you add the contact details of the participants yourself.
  3. Transmit individual live connection linksTo ensure the safety of an event, it is important to transmit to your guests individual login links. In this way, the company maintains control over The identity And the number of persons who access the organized event.It protects itself, at the same time, from possible hackers who would try to connect to steal information from the company or its customers.The Voilà platform recommends sending these individual connection links in the email campaign of the event. So, when you prepare a registration confirmation email and/or a follow-up email, all you have to do is add the invitation link by clicking on the button provided for this purpose. For each participant in the mailing list, the personal link will be automatically configured. However, it is important to make it clear to the guests that this connection link is individual, and that they should not in No case share it with third parties (especially if these third parties are not affected by the said event).
  4. Encourage the use of a virtual private network (VPN)Another tip, it is possible to encourage participants, but also invited speakers, to use a virtual private network (VPN) before going to the online event to which they are invited. The VPN is a security tool that protects user activity. As soon as it is activated, their data is encrypted and their hidden IP address.This practice maximizes their online safety, and In fine, their participation in the virtual event by eliminating any risk of cyber threats, surveillance and account hacking.
  5. Educate participants about safetyFinally, it is important to make participants aware of safety. Tell them about potential risks and what security measures are in place to protect their data. Also encourage them to adopt security practices, such as using strong passwords and regularly updating their software. The company can establish a code of conduct to avoid security breaches for participants, but also for employees or stakeholders. Thus, all event stakeholders are aware of the risks that exist and have the same safety instructions to act accordingly.

In conclusion, digital event security is a crucial issue that must be taken into account from the start of planning. By using a reliable platform, by controlling access to the event, by transmitting individual connection links, by using a virtual private network VPN and by raising security awareness among participants, you can ensure the security of your event and protect the data of your attendees. Do you want to know more?Request a demo 🚀

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