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Internal online events have become essential tools to boost team cohesion and propel your organization to new heights. In this article, we will explore five invaluable tips from Frédéric Fougerat, an expert in communication and management, to make your internal communication a real driver of success.

The urgency of Commitment

Employee engagement is the cornerstone of successful internal communication. According to The Global Workplace 2023, 77% of employees no longer feel committed to their company, and a large number of them quit silently. It is time to change the situation. Frédéric Fougerat advocates engaging online activities that strengthen relationships between colleagues. Discover how to create a positive dynamic through our interactive lives.

The Liberation of the Word

Fostering free expression within the team is essential to creating a true sense of belonging. In our guide, you'll find tips for giving free speech during your internal video sessions. From spontaneous question and answer sessions to group discussions, learn how to encourage everyone's participation and build a culture of transparency.

Collective Intelligence in Action

Collective intelligence is the fuel that fuels organizational success. Explore our best practices for stimulating collective intelligence through internal live videos, which are not like your daily meetings! Frédéric Fougerat offers innovative approaches that transform your live sessions into real laboratories of ideas, conducive to the emergence of creative solutions.

Creating a Sense of Belonging

An employee who feels fully integrated is a productive employee. Learn how to use internal communication to strengthen a sense of belonging within your team. Our guide offers you concrete tools to build strong relationships across physical borders.

Boosting Productivity

Finally, Frédéric Fougerat focuses on stimulating productivity through specific practices during your internal live sessions. Engage your employees strategically, unleash their creativity, and see the direct impact on results. Learn how to transform each live into a motivating experience that propels your team towards excellence. In conclusion, internal communication with Voilà is an opportunity to create a dynamic, inclusive and efficient corporate culture through internal live broadcasts. Discover these practical tips, put them into action, and see how Voilà can transform your internal communication into a driving force for the success of your organization. 🚀

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