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Whatever the format of digital events, it is essential to collect the data generated. This data is crucial for measure performance And the return on investment of your events. This information is a great asset for Understand the participants and offer them personalized services. As you will have understood, data, properly collected and exploited, represents a real gold mine. How do I retrieve live event data? Why gather this information? We explain everything to you.Summary:

  1. Data, the black gold of the professional worldData to create added valueData in the event sector
  2. Why retrieve data during an event?
  3. How do I collect data from a live event?The rules to be respected when it comes to collecting event dataCollecting event data in practice
  4. Data management with the Voilà live platform

Data, the black gold of the professional world

Data to create added value

In recent years, data has been considered to be the black gold of the 21st century. Have information on customer preferences, their journey and expectations, facilitates decision making of the company. It is therefore easier to seduce consumers, and In fine, to increase its turnover.A true strategic lever, data is an economic resource in its own right. It is essential to collect and treat it when you make loyalty campaigns or that you organize events. Having complete and continuously updated information allows you to:

  • to get to know your customers;
  • to meet their expectations more easily;
  • to design adapted services or products;
  • to know if your business is achieving its goals;
  • to generate a competitive advantage.

To achieve such results and create added value, it is essential to collect and then use data correctly. Having a large volume of data will remain unproductive if no one uses it.

Data in the event sector

A company that organizes a digital or hybrid event has every interest in collecting data before, during and after the appointment. Collecting relevant data offers the possibility for organizers to adjust their event strategies. This practice is ideal for:

  • assess the performance of the company (in terms of turnover generated, visibility, etc.);
  • accurately quantify the number of people present as well as their distribution (by sex, age, geographic sector, etc.);
  • calculate the return on investment of the event;
  • perfect upcoming events.

More generally, retrieving and then analyzing data facilitates the identification of relevant areas for improvement. The practice is also appreciated to better target the preferences of the guests.

Why retrieve data during an event?

Retrieving data during an event is an effective solution for identify opportunities as well as trends. Being able to accurately quantify the number of participants, the duration of their presence and their engagement rate gives organizers the opportunity to learn more about:

  • the topics that appeal to the most;
  • the networking opportunities that may exist;
  • fast-growing sectors in which to position themselves.

Data helps to specify which elements have the most caught attention during the live. The opposite is also true. Therefore, the organizers have the opportunity to sort, in order to select the best.

1. Optimize future events

Thanks to data, it is possible to finely analyze the Participant behavior during the event and to obtain their feedback (through satisfaction surveys, in particular). This information is crucial for optimize future events. The company will be in a position to choose:

  • what topics should be included, what are the most popular activities (based on the engagement rates noted);
  • Who are the speakers who made the most impact at the meeting, etc.

The data highlights what the guests like or dislike in order to move in their direction the following times. This action is ideal to further boost the impact of your appointments.

2. Take corrective actions in real time

Collecting data during a live event promotes taking corrective actions at the right time. Example: an organizer plans an online event scheduled for three days. At the end of the first day, he noted a very low engagement rate, and almost no interaction on the events he had planned. Thanks to this analysis, he will be able to imagine alternatives and propose other interactions for the following days. By collecting data, and analyzing it at the right time, it is possible to react quickly and avoid mistakes.

3. Personalize the attendee experience

Having information about participants (name, email address, profession, etc.) helps you improve and personalize the attendee experience. Organizers will be able to rely on this information to create a tailor-made appointment by:

  • creating one-on-one sessions;
  • sending targeted communications after the event;
  • inviting exhibitors appreciated by the invited target, etc.

This information will also be used to send the right message at the right time to the right guests.

4. Measure your return on investment

Another major advantage is the event data represents an essential tool for measuring the return on investment of the appointment. Having accurate figures is ideal for measuring the scope of the event as well as the return on investment generated.As a reminder, the return on investment is a key indicator useful for measuring the profitability of the event by highlighting the expenses in relation to the revenue generated. Other indicators can also be analyzed:

  • the participation rate (percentage of registered people who actually participated in the live);
  • the average time spent on the live stream;
  • guest engagement rate;
  • the total number of connections;
  • the number of appointments made after the event, etc.

These reports serve as support for the organizers to better assess the results of the event and identify areas for improvement in the future.

How do I collect data from a live event?

The rules to be respected when it comes to collecting event data

In Europe, companies are free to collect data from their customers as long as they respect the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation specifies, in particular, that organizers must collect and then process data in a legal, secure and transparent manner. It is also essential to have the explicit consent of customers before collecting their personal data. To do this, you must:

  • inform participants about how their data will be used and obtain their consent before use;
  • ensure that the data will indeed be stored securely;
  • respect the laws in force concerning data protection, by consulting the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), if the events are planned in France.

Collecting event data in practice

As soon as organizers respect the rules mentioned above, they can take action and collect data during the events they organize. There are various ways to do this. In particular, the company can set up a registration form to register for the live. The registration form is effective in collecting various information such as:

  • the name and surname of the guest;
  • his place of residence;
  • his age;
  • his profession, etc.

Make satisfaction surveys Once the live is over, it is also an effective solution for collecting event data. Sending a questionnaire allows you to get feedback from the guests on the event in which they participated. The organizers, for their part, will be in a position to know more about the elements that liked and the elements that were less popular in order to improve for future editions.Finally, for greater simplicity, it is preferable to work from a live platform. The latter collects different types of information on the profile of the guests, the way in which they interacted during the live, their preferences, their level of engagement, etc. Everything is then centralized on the same interface in order to simplify their consultation and decision-making.

Data management with the Voilà live platform

One of the functionalities of the Voilà live platform is exclusively dedicated to managerial, at the collecting And at storing your event data. In order to facilitate your analyses, you have:

  • a real-time audience curve;
  • a visual on the messages left and the questions that were asked during your event;
  • monitoring the commitment in real time;
  • satisfaction surveys to be sent to all participants in order to have their feedback on the live.

The confidentiality of the data collected is also ensured. The data and the platform are hosted in Europe. The collection and storage of data on the application respect the rules of the RGPD. Once the contractual period has passed, the data is automatically deleted. Finally, note that the Voilà live platform has just obtained ISO 27001 certification. As a reminder, this standard attests that the company has established practices that tend to maximize the confidentiality and integrity of customer information. Do you want to know more?Request a demo 🚀

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