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Be in a position to controlling greenhouse gas emissions is now one of the major concerns of businesses. While the practice is mandatory for some of them, others say they are concerned about their carbon balance In order to better preserve the planet. In terms of CSR, structures often rely on major projects to adopt a sustainable development policy more effective. However, by carrying out some simple actions, reducing the organization's impact on the environment is becoming accessible. In this case, rather than multiplying physical events, it is possible to turn to the organization of digital events. Scheduling online events represents a reliable way to limit The carbon impact of your business. Explanations.Summary:

  1. The impact of digital business uses on a daily basis: some key figures
  2. Is the carbon impact of a digital event really less than that of a physical event?The carbon impact of the physical eventThe carbon impact of the digital eventComparison between the carbon impact of a physical event and that of a digital event
  3. Eco-responsibility at Voilà: a subject at the heart of our concerns

The impact of digital business uses on a daily basis: some key figures

The IT sector is at the origin of various digital pollution. According to the ADEME, the carbon footprint of the sector represents between 3 and 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and 2% of the country's carbon footprint.This digital impact comes, of course, from the manufacture of smartphones and computers, but also from the emails transmitted, the streaming platforms used, and the streaming platforms used or even video conferences organized by the company.Thus:

  • For 60 emails sent by computer per week, the company emits 0.02 kg of CO2e, or 1 kg of CO2e per year. This represents the equivalent of 4.8 km driven by car;
  • For 4 hours of streaming every week, the company generates 7 kg of CO2e per year, the equivalent of 31 kilometers by car;
  • For 12 hours of videoconferencing per week, the company generates 5 kg of CO2e per year, the equivalent of 23 kilometers driven by car.

As you will have understood, using digital technology in business generates a certain form of pollution. Organizing online events, from a factual point of view, remains a polluting practice. On the other hand, compared to organizing a physical event, its impact is much lower. Choose one responsible live platform is also a solution to further minimize the consequences of this digital appointment.

Is the carbon impact of a digital event really less than that of a physical event?

Before getting to the heart of the matter, it is worth giving a brief reminder. The digital event does not have a zero carbon impact. Far from it. Everything that exists has an impact, and online events generate a form of digital pollutionOn the other hand, it is important to check whether the digital event is really less polluting than the physical event. If the answer is positive, then it is a significant path to explore for reduce the company's carbon footprint. This is what we will attempt to demonstrate in the next chapter.

The carbon impact of the physical event

In general, physical events represent environmental impacts and high carbon balances caused by:

  • the movement of participants who use planes, cars, or public transport;
  • The accommodation (events far from the participants' places of residence often require one or more nights at the hotel);
  • Energy consumption at the venue of the event (heating, air conditioning);
  • waste production on site;
  • The catering to be expected;
  • communication media to be printed (invitation cards, posters, etc.).

Certainly, there are more planet-friendly solutions when organizing a physical event: using ecofriendly materials, bet on digital communication media, use of recyclable tableware, etc. However, not all of the points mentioned above can always be avoided.

The carbon impact of the digital event

On the other hand, by planning a digital event, the company's carbon footprint is lower :

  • participants do not have to travel;
  • they also do not have to book overnight stays in hotels;
  • the energy consumption at the meeting place is zero, since everyone is at home;
  • The company, which produces zero waste here, does not have to provide on-site catering or printed material.

Although the organization of a e-event requires the use of a dedicated platform and of individual computers, your environmental impact is significantly reduced here.

Comparison between the carbon impact of a physical event and that of a digital event

The carbon balance calculator designed by Voilà, brings us concrete cases to support our claims. For example, for a national meeting of 100 people for half a day, the company would have issued:

  • 3,000 kg of CO2 for the organization of a physical event;
  • 11 kg of CO2 for the organization of a digital event.

In another case, for an international meeting of 300 people for a whole day, the company would have produced:

  • 123,000 kg of CO2 by organizing a physical event;
  • 86 kg of CO2 by organizing a virtual event.

The numbers are staggering. In the first example, this represents almost 300 times less CO2 emissions with a digital event. In the second, this represents almost 1,500 times less CO2 emissions. A company concerned about environmental issues would, in the vast majority of cases, have every interest in using online event format.

Eco-responsibility at Voilà: a subject at the heart of our concerns

Even if organizing a virtual event has less impact on the planet than organizing a physical event, its consequences are unfortunately not zero for the environment. In order to mitigate its effects, Voilà has implemented various measures concerning its live platform. In this case:

  • We use a shared and dynamic infrastructure. This means that no server of its own runs empty.
  • Our model of real billing encourages customers to shorten their event formats. It also leads to a more rational use from our live platform.
  • The cameras only work for guests, not for participants, which also limits the impact of the platform.
  • All customer data and the provision of the platform are only valid for 30 days. Beyond that, the information is deleted (unless otherwise requested by the customer).

As you will have understood, even if its impact is not zero, the digital event obviously has fewer negative consequences on the planet than the physical event. The remote event responds more effectively to the challenges of sustainable development. If, however, the organization of a e-event does not correspond to the objectives of the company, it may prefer hybrid appointment. This format combines physical and digital presence to better meet the expectations of the audience. Do you want to know more?Request a demo 🚀

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