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Following a comprehensive audit, Voilà obtained certification ISO 27001 Information Security Management.This certification, issued by the British Assessment Bureau, attests to the quality of enterprise information security management. For Voilà, this certification is a recognition of the rigor and seriousness of its IT security practices.

ISO 27001: All you need to know


Businesses today are concerned about information security, while sensitive data is increasingly vulnerable. To respond to this problem, many companies have chosen to comply with the ISO 27001 standard, an international standard for information security management.Developed byInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO), this standard aims to help businesses protect their sensitive information and prevent the risks of data leaks, cyberattacks, or data loss. In this blog post, we'll explain what ISO 27001 is and why it's important.

The benefits of ISO 27001 certification

The implementation of ISO 27001 certification offers numerous benefits to businesses, including allowing them toidentify information security risks, of put in place appropriate security measures And of strengthen the trust of customers and partners. Voilà has obtained this certification, which guarantees the security of its processes, its technical platform and its customers' data. 🔐 Guarantee the safety of its processes: the roles of each stakeholder are clearly defined to ensure data confidentiality and avoid misuse; 🔐 Guarantee the security of its technical platform: the platform meets computer security standards, with protocols and sufficient encryption to counter the risks of data intrusion and misuse; 🔐 Guarantee the security of its customers' data: since its creation, Voilà has had the necessary processes and roles (including that of a DPO) to ensure the protection of data, in accordance with the RGPD.This certification is the recognition of Voilà's efforts to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its customers' data, and highlights the company's commitment to offering a complete control of information associated with the events created on its platform.

The steps to obtain ISO 27001 certification

ISO 27001 certification requires the establishment of an information security management system. Here are the main steps you need to take to get certified:

  1. Evaluate risks: a risk analysis must be carried out to identify the sensitive information managed by the company and the potential threats to which it is exposed;
  2. Establish an information security management system: the development of policies and procedures to protect this information must meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard in order to reduce risks;
  3. Conduct an internal audit: the company must conduct an internal audit to ensure that its information security management system complies with the ISO 27001 standard;
  4. Pass an external audit: the company must use an accredited certification body to carry out an external audit and deliver the ISO 27001 certification.


The ISO 27001 standard is a recognized international information security standard, aimed at protect business information assets and guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their data.By obtaining this certification in its first year of activity, Voilà demonstrates its commitment to information security and its ability to implement effective security measures to protect its customers' data. The implementation of the ISO 27001 standard is a rigorous and demanding process that requires an investment of time and resources. However, the benefits of certification are numerous, including a better management of information security risks, a improving the reputation and credibility of the company, as well as a better compliance with current regulations.In short, ISO 27001 certification represents a major asset for Voilà, which offers its customers and partners optimal information security.Request a demo 🚀

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