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Communicating live to all of its employees has become an essential managerial challenge.

Voilà and Kollective are joining forces to offer a joint solution that makes it possible to offer the best live audiovisual quality for a large audience.

Video has become the main tool in business communication. For daily meetings of course, but also for all management communication. And these statements are essential for management today. Communicating in live video meets the challenges of transparency, embodiment, proximity and listening. Today, employees no longer want to learn company news through the press, social networks or a simple email. They need some consideration and that their senior management speaks to them directly.

And today the least we can say is that senior management is struggling to speak easily and to address everyone: network problems, videos that lag, the complexity of the technical set-up, the impossibility of bringing people together in a physical place...

It is to meet this specific challenge that Voilà and Kollective have teamed up to offer a high quality live solution:

On the one hand, Voilà is an interactive video player in full HD white label quality who can integrate into all digital ecosystems. Voila meets all expectations to make a live event a successful and accessible moment of communication:

  • Moderation of questions, to offer feedback while controlling the content
  • Multilingual proposal so that each country can have its own audio source
  • Integration of velotyping or automated subtitles to make speaking accessible to all
  • Analytics to know audience curves and the level of engagement of participants
  • A solution compatible with professional studios or directly from a cloud virtual control room so that the speaking takes place from a TV set or a simple computer.

On the other hand, Kollective offers world-class video experiences and optimal network performance:

  • Up to 90% reduction in video bandwidth
  • Securely distributing video behind the corporate firewall
  • Providing network teams with the means to quickly detect and resolve problems
  • Identifying bottlenecks in critical video application workflows
  • Eliminate war rooms and avoid network blind spots.

It is for these reasons that the Orange Group called on this joint proposal and thus, the CEO, Ms. Christel Heydemann was able to speak live to more than 35,000 people in 6 languages, by answering live questions from teams in Africa or France. Nicolas Bailliard, Deputy Director of Culture & Engagement at Orange confirms this:

“A group like Orange must offer its employees, as well as for its customers, both the best quality of the network and the best user experience. That's why we linked Voilà and Kollective for our speeches.”

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