Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

Each month, discover the main news on our platform.

On the program this month:

  • A treasure map
  • Colors as if it were raining
  • An end credits that marks... the end of the direct

Flag: go on a treasure hunt!

Do you have participants from all over the world? Do you want to know which country they are following you from? We created the Flag activity for this purpose! Each participant can position a flag on the image of your choice (a map, a cartography of professions, a gauge, etc.). So, you can greet the Rennes or Lannion teams!

A few examples from our last show:

  • Hulk: even more customization possible for the banner
  • Image or video?
  • With the number of sessions or without?
  • Is the end time shown or not?
  • Rather flat, in perspective or all-terrain?

Your website banner can take many forms. This month, we added:

  • Customizing the background color
  • Customizing the displayed time zone

All of this can be found in the Backstage Customization section. Oh yeah. We call this banner Hulk at Voilà. Why do you think?

La bannière Voilà est ultra personnalisable !

After the hour, it is no longer the time: end of the credits = end of the live stream.

Do you have an end credits? Have you already mistakenly found yourself in the image right after? It was before. The web studio now allows you to choose to automatically stop the live stream after the end credits. It happens in the driver.

Stoper le live à la fin du générique de fin !

If you want to master our platform from A to Z, take advantage of our new training offer:

  • 2-hour beginner training
  • 1-day advanced training

For more information, contact our support address:

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