Alert Info! New YouTube video: Internal Comms: Pro Tips for a Successful Live. Watch it now! 🎉

Each month, discover the main updates on our platform. This month's program includes website customization, player integration on your website, and simplified email sending to participants.

The website is now fully customizable

You can now drag and drop elements to overlay them as you wish!Go to the Customization section, which will allow you to build your page:

Le Web Builder de Voilà

It is also possible to create additional pages for your website to editorialize your shows, for example:

Créer une page avec Voilà.

TIPS: In order to give access to new pages, create links directly in the navigation bar. Here's how:

Barre de navigation

The access form has changed its location

From now on, if you have direct access or require registration, participants can access your pages through the link you share with them.The form to access the live stream is now located in the video player.Here, I access the event's web page:

Accéder à la page web de votre événement

I click on "Register". The video player opens and displays the registration form:

Le formulaire de connexion Voilà

Configuration, participant management, mailing... we've reviewed everything!

The new "Access and Participants" section includes:

  • Access methods (direct access, registration, private access)
  • Participant management
  • Email campaigns
  • Email templates

Let's focus on email campaigns. We've reviewed everything!You can now create all your campaigns on a single page and schedule them.Even better, you can add links to sessions and specific pages of your website instead of always linking to your program page.

Les campagnes de mail Voilà

If you want to master our platform from start to finish, take advantage of our new training offer:

  • Beginner training (2 hours)
  • Advanced training (1 day)

To learn more, contact our support address:

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