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You are convinced that a digital event and a remote meeting are pretty much the same thing. So you sometimes organize events with video conferencing software such as Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or Webex. But your remote events are a bit lacking in pep! Indeed, a video team meeting or an online general meeting represent very different challenges. Quickly discover below the different solutions to enhance your next ones online events !

A meeting is nothing exceptional, but your event is!

Hybrid or digital, your event is exceptional while a meeting is still a meeting among many others...

Definitions and objectives of a meeting and an event

  • A meeting: This term comes from the verb “unite” which means “to put together.” The prefix “re” expresses repetition, because a meeting can take place every day, every week, every month, etc. Concretely, A meeting is about bringing people together (employees, participants, collaborators) for a certain period of time on a specific subject.
  • An event: This term comes from the Latin “envenire” which means “to go out”, “to have a result”, “to happen”. Concretely, an event is an important fact that is out of the ordinary. It is important because it cannot take place every day. It must therefore make an impression!

A remote meeting between collaborators or A digital event, like a general meeting, are two professional times that do not meet the same objectives or the same expectations.The objectives of a digital event:

  • Offer a unique experience,
  • Disseminate information with high added value,
  • Strengthen the cohesion of your employees or customers,
  • Leave a memorable impression,
  • Strengthen relationships with your community/Create relationships with your prospects.

The goals of a remote meeting:

  • Bringing together team members, collaborators, and remote employees,
  • Take stock of current projects,
  • Transmit information,
  • Take a collegial decision,
  • etc.

Why is using video conferencing software for a digital event a bad idea?

Like many French companies, successive lockdowns and mandatory office gauges have prompted you to use videoconferencing software such as Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, or Webex.The ease of installation and flexibility of these videoconferencing solutions promote collaborative work, speed and action by your employees. But using these video conferencing software in the wrong way is a bad idea. Do you remember attending an unforgettable remote meeting?The objectives of a remote meeting and a digital eventBecause the goals of a Video meeting And of a remote event are not the same at all, so the platforms are designed differently.A different gripFirst of all, the frequency of use of a video platform by a user allows him to improve his mastery of the tool. Whereas for an event, getting started with the platform must be immediate, fast and intuitive.Specific uses/A video platform seeks above all the collaboration between the participants. This is evidenced by these two phrases that have become famous: “Can you see my screen? ”, “Are you a mute?” and also the immediate sharing of documents. So the latency must be ultra-low.A live broadcast platform has a different functional approach. It offers more immersion, more emotion, more interactivity (chat, questions, quizzes, emojis, word clouds, integration of 3D objects, etc.). A real “show” that allows you to bring the live to life forever more creativity and innovation. The aim is to create emotion, even at a distance. To do this, participants must be able to fully immerse yourself in the event.A preparationFinally, beyond the functional aspect and the support, the preparation characterizes what intrinsically distinguishes a remote meeting and a digital event. Indeed, while improvising a remote meeting is child's play, the exercise becomes more perilous, even dangerous when it comes to a digital event. It is the preparation in advance of the event that guarantees its success!

Discover Voilà, the most suitable digital solution for your digital events

There you go Helps YOU reinvent, enhance, and delight ALL your hybrid or 100% digital events.1. Offer your audience a cutting-edge digital experience

  • Video player that can be integrated into any ecosystem,
  • Fully customizable video player,
  • Long-lasting streaming.

2. Give your audience the benefit of exceptional technical quality that is accessible all over the world

  • Streaming and interactions possible up to 100,000 participants (and more on request),
  • Streaming at an adaptive rate on the quality of the network,
  • Global access (including China),
  • Interactive services overlay video streams.

3. Build your audience's digital experience

  • 100% customizable interactions: chat, questions, questions, quizzes, emojis, word clouds,
  • Evolving interactions during the event via our live management,
  • An exclusivity: the integration of 3D objects.

Voilà, teams to support you from A to Z in the organization and management of your event

With the live platform There you go, you are never alone!

  • Do you have questions about the organization of your event?
  • Having trouble installing an option?
  • Is a setting not working?

Don't panic! We provide you with a Live Manager. It accompanies you before your event, in order to Define with you the strategy for hosting your live show and get your audiences to react.Like a “community manager”, he hosts the live stream, the chat and answers questions. Like a “topper”, he pushes interactions at the right time and deactivates them during the live when the focus is on the speaker's speech. All this in order to increase the performances of your live!


A video meeting is a digital event have neither the same mode of operation nor the same objectives. The support is therefore different!Request a demo

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