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Webinar or video conference? Do we really know the difference between the two? We will quickly see together the nuances between these concepts.

In today's digital world, it is essential to understand What is the difference between a webinar and a video conference. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to distinct tools and uses. This article will explore the nuances between these two formats to help you choose the one that best fits your business needs.

(Find our video webinar tutorials here)Let's get back to the basics of the subject.

Webinar definition

The webinar is a scripted presentation, conference, or online workshop. It is usually structured and led by a presenter who shares information with a large audience. For example, an online training course on the new functionalities of a software or a workshop on best practices in digital marketing.

Definition of video conferencing

Video conferencing, on the other hand, refers to a group of people communicating via a video connection. This format is often more informal. For example, a team that discusses the progress of a project or collaborates on ideas.

Key differences


Objective of the Webinar: Inform, train, or present specific content to a broad and targeted audience.

Objective of the videoconference: Facilitate real-time communication for work meetings, informal discussions or collaborations.


Webinar format: More structured with a lead presenter, slides, and scheduled Q&A sessions.

Video conference format: More casual with group discussions, spontaneous screen shares, and informal interactions.

Used tools

The tools used vary depending on the format chosen:

For Webinars: Specialized platforms like Voilà, designed to manage structured and interactive presentations.

For video conferences: Tools like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom, which are great for real-time communications, but less suited to webinar formats.


Interactions in a Webinar: Often limited to planned question and answer sessions, with mostly one-sided interaction from the presenter to the participants.

Interactions in a videoconference: More dynamic and bi-directional, allowing all participants to communicate freely and spontaneously.


Understand What is the difference between a webinar and a video conference is crucial in choosing the right tool for your business needs. Webinars are ideal for structured presentations and large-scale training, while video conferences are better suited for business meetings and informal discussions. By using the right tools and formats, you can maximize the effectiveness of your online communication.

So it's up to you to choose the one that suits you. That's it, you now know a little more about the subject! I hope this quick guide has enlightened you. Do not hesitate to leave your questions as a comment to the video on YouTube, we will be happy to answer them.

It's up to you to play! And for that, we invite you to test Voilà, our all-in-one tool for your internal and external webinars of course:

📬 Management of participants, mailing campaigns, automation of reminders.

🛜 A website to broadcast your webinar, highly customizable to adapt to your brand.

🎬 A web studio to produce and broadcast your own show without having to use a control room.

🕹️ Live activities such as quizzes, polls, word clouds etc. to keep the attention of your participants.

🧰 Call to action to be activated live to suggest making an appointment during, downloading a white paper, organizing a competition etc.

📺 Broadcast of the replay just after the live.

📊 Ultra-advanced balance, with super stylish graphs

See you soon on Voilà!

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